Elizabeth on the issues
By the people and for the people
Fighting for resources to help students, teachers and staff thrive
Every child deserves a clean, safe, and healthy public school. Last year, the Commonwealth Court ruled Pennsylvania’s school funding system unconstitutional, and experts believe Pennsylvania schools need an additional $9 billion in funding to prepare students for the challenges of the next half century.
Elizabeth has fought tirelessly to secure more funding, and her work recently brought back $175 million for school facilities—the first school building expenditure by the state in 7 years. No child or school worker should have their health endangered from exposure in school to lead, mold, asbestos, rodents, or deteriorating school buildings.
As the daughter of two union teachers, Elizabeth understands that teachers need reasonable class sizes, fair compensation, union representation, and timely contracts.

Workers deserve fair wages; Corporations and the super rich must pay their fair share
Elizabeth believes we must protect and expand workers’ rights, including strengthening and growing unions. Elizabeth authored a constitutional amendment that would give PA workers the right to organize, and her Fair Workweek bill would give workers predictable schedules and pay.
Elizabeth helped win a major expansion of the state Property Tax and Rental Rebate program, helping seniors to stay in their homes, and she voted for legislation that would raise Pennsylvania’s minimum wage to $15/hr and increase automatically with inflation.
She supports tax increases on the super rich and big corporations to fund community investment, and her Combined Reporting legislation would close loopholes used by corporate tax cheats and lower taxes for most South Philadelphians.
Creating union jobs while advancing a greener world for us all
Every single one of us has a right to clean air, clean water, and a safe environment to raise our children in. Elizabeth supports a ban on fracking and is fighting for major investments in renewable energy, public transit, and climate adaptation.
As the chair of the House Blue-Green Caucus, a group of 50+ legislators that support unions and the environment, Elizabeth rejects the idea that we have to choose between a thriving economy and a liveable climate.
Her Solar for Schools legislation, which passed the House last June, would reduce energy costs for schools, decrease our reliance on fossil fuels, and create good union jobs.

Giving everyone the care they need no matter their income
No one should die or suffer because they can’t pay for a test or medicine. Every day, people in Pennsylvania are forced to make decisions no one should have to, like whether to buy groceries or medicine. That’s unacceptable. Healthcare is a human right.
As a co-chair of the Medicare for All Caucus, Elizabeth is fighting to make Pennsylvania a national model for care that prioritizes our lives over the profits of big corporations.
Putting power in the people’s hands
Americans fought long and hard for their democratic rights, and January 6 showed how fragile our democracy is. Elizabeth believes we need to end all forms of voter suppression, ban gerrymandering, make Election Day a public holiday, and institute universal voter registration.
She knows firsthand how hard it is for working people to run for office. She is a strong supporter of campaign finance reform, and she continues to support grassroots democratic organizations that help inform South Philadelphia voters and encourage our neighbors to participate in the democratic process.